The Erich Kästner Museum has successfully implemented a new type of museum concept. The "mobile interactive micromuseum" is a piece of architecture, a work of art in itself and an everyday object that reflects the multifaceted personality and work of the world-famous author, cabaret artist, journalist and media personality Erich Kästner. In 1999, architect Ruairí OʼBrien designed the "walk-in treasure chest", a house-within-a-house that combines tradition and modernity and hands-on museum content with media technology. Visitors of all generations and cultures can playfully and independently explore the complex world of Kästner.
Opening times
Sunday/Monday/Thursday/Friday 10am-5pm, Wednesday 12.30pm-5pm, Wednesday 9am-12.30pm registered groups or by individual arrangement, closed Tuesday and Saturday
Admission fees
Adults 7 euros, reduced 4 euros, family ticket 13 euros, family ticket reduced (with family pass Dresden or Saxony), groups 8 euros per person, school classes 2.50 euros per person
Transport connection
Tram nos. 3/6/7/8/11 to "Albertplatz", S-Bahn S1/S2 to "Dresden-Neustadt"
shopspecial exhibitions
Misc. extras
Literature café, bookshop, literary-musical programs, cultural events
Handicapped accessible
- limited handicapped accessible
Foreign language offers
Guided tours in English, French, Exhibition texts in Czech, Polish, Russian, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese
Educational offers
Introduction to Erich Kästner and the museum concept, group guided tours, thematic guided tours for school classes of school years 3 to 13