Responsible for content:© 2019
Landeshauptstadt Dresden
Amt für Kultur und Denkmalschutz
Postfach 12 00 20
D – 01001 Dresden
Svazek obcí
Euroregion Labe
Velká Hradební 8
CZ – 400 01 Ústí nad Labem
Editing and translations:Martin Chidiac, Margarete Füßer, Vladimir Lípský, Grit Mocci, Veronika Pečená, Judith Rosenthal
The content of this website as well as the museums presentation pages are protected by copyright. Duplication and distribution through electronic media requires permission of the websites owner.
This project was realized with support from:Kleinprojektefonds Ziel 3 in der Euroregion Elbe / Labe
Concept and production:Maxity Deutschland GmbHPhoto credits:The photographic material was placed at our disposal by the museums.
Disclaimer:We make every effort to ensure that the information available on this website is correct and complete. We as-sume no liability, however, and issue no guarantee for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the data provided on this site. ‘The same applies to any and all links (hyperlinks) indicated either directly or indirectly on this website. We are not responsible for the content of a website which can be reached by means of such a link.